About the Movement

Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) is an        independent, non-partisan and non-profit organization  that aims  to make every Filipino child and youth a   peace hero.
TPBPM advocates for the institutionalization of formal and non-formal Peace Education in the Philippines      through creation and development of Modular              Programme Curriculum and Creative  Educational     Materials, and implementation of Peace Education    Programmes in strategic locations. 

It is a growing family composed of an expanding network of active and empowered young generations of different faiths, cultures and ethnic groups who are working together as prime movers in building a Culture of Peace. Its guiding principle is derived from the belief that every child has an innate quality of tolerance and unbiasedness and that prejudice is subsequently learned later in life. It is vital that we develop their ability to foster peace in this critical period by using an intergenerational and multi-sectoral approach on peace education, servant leadership and on the implementation of innovative and creative strategies: Music, Arts, Games, Sports and Community Service.

The activities of the Movement promote a Culture of Peace and cultivates knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and behaviors to have a harmonious relationship with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment. These are designed to develop the values of compassion, service to others, empowerment, equality, respect and understanding – the very foundation of a just and peaceful society where every individual practices peace as a way of life. The approach of the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement is: we have to “Teach Peace to build a Culture of Peace. We have to build a Culture of Peace to create different generations of peace builders toward our goal of a just and peaceful society.


To have a peaceful society where young generations of different faiths are working together as prime movers in building a Culture of Peace and practicing peace as a way of Life.


To make every Filipino child and youth a peace builder through peace education. concept of servant leadership, innovative and creative strategies such as Music, Arts, Games, Sports and Service to impact a Culture of Peace and Dialogue.


We have to teach peace to children to build a culture of peace. It is vital that we develop their ability to foster peace in this critical period by teaching them to understand and accept cultural and religious diversity, and racial and individual differences.

We believe that every child has an innate quality of tolerance and unbiasedness and that prejudice is subsequently learned later in life.

We have to transform and empower the younger generations to be prime movers and to look at our society through lenses of peace.