Peace Education: Transforming the Human Soul

(v.) to surpass or go beyond the range or limits of something.

When people ask me what the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement is all about and what we do as peace advocates, “transcend” is one word that could best represent and answer that. ( Credits to Ate Apple during the Peace Kwentuhan Session)

We transcend the conventional ideas of what education is. It is so much more than just sharpening the mind and training it to be academically competent. It is so much more than just memorizing the multiplication table or understanding what e=mc^2 is.

Education, specifically peace education, is all about transforming the human soul and mind and developing itself through values formation. It’s seeing the peace that is innate in each and every person and using that as a tool to bring forth understanding and unity in society.

If we continue to nurture our children of today, strengthening their inner peace, teaching them about peaceful living, in turn, they will one day transcend the future we envision. They will create peace in the most unbelievable ways we can imagine. They will bring together people of different generations, different backgrounds, different races, different beliefs and appreciate one another for what makes them unique. They will fill the world with love and respect, so much so that it resolves all forms of conflict.

They will make the impossible things possible.

There is great opportunity for a brighter future, but we can only hope and dream so much. We need to act and form today’s young and imaginative minds into the potential leaders and peacemakers of tomorrow who will transcend. Transcend all biases, transcend all conflicts, transcend all misunderstandings.

Despite the many things that keep me busy in school, I am always refreshed and recharged in heart whenever I see these kids grow more and more into the peace heroes we wish for them to be. They inspire me to continue the mission of creating a culture of peace and live it everyday. These kids prove that peace can come from anyone and begin with anyone.

Peace is not easily accepted by all but truly, all are accepted by peace.

#peacejourneyreflections #teachpeacebuildpeacemovement#tpbpmission2018

5 Ways to be a Peace Hero in Social Media

5 Ways to be a Peace Hero on Social Media

  1. Give Some Love. Click on with those hearts, raise your thumbs for those likes, and maybe message that person on your newsfeed who needs someone to be there for them at the moment.
  2. Share What Is GoodAt a time when we continuously scroll down to hate and negativity, telling others about your stories of love and kindness give hope that there is still some good in this world.
  3. Be Smart. Know More. Read on with those articles your friends are sharing, whether they’re about politics, humanity, social issues, pop culture, or anything under the sun, but know that every notion has two sides that have yet to be understood. Treat both sides equally; Find the balance between them.
  4. Think Before You Post. If what you’re about to post or share could possibly hurt or humiliate someone (directly and/or indirectly), then don’t post it. Simple.
  5. Be An Inspiration. No matter what social networking site you’re on, practice your social netiquette. Let’s start the trend of empowering others, being a person for others, and creating a culture of peace with others through social media.


Content: Ate Samantha Lumang and Layout: Kuya Glendford Lumbao

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