Small Steps In Peace: A testimony from little Adzam

“… I throw the trash away, I sweep the floor, and now, my teacher can even ask me to go up the board and answer in front of the class.” This is what Adzam, 12 years old, said when asked about the changes he observed since joining the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement’s peace education sessions. He ignored those simple tasks back when he was still, as he described himself, “stubborn”. But now, Adzam sees himself as more obedient and diligent in and out of their home.

Adzam shared having one particular friend who he partners with to clean their classroom after school. He described his friend as having a good heart telling us about how he would offer to lend his pen during class or share his food with others.

At such a young age, Adzam went beyond just learning the importance of these little acts of peace. He is also putting them into practice. It often gives him positive feelings not for but from doing good deeds. 

With joy and pride in his eyes, Adzam recalled how happy his parents were since he started showing positive changes in his behavior and recounted the times he peacefully heeded their guidance. This makes him genuinely happy, both as a son and as a Peace Hero. 

“If not for TPBPM, I wouldn’t be a Peace Hero.” Adzam felt that he would not learn about the virtues of doing good if not for the peace education sessions he attended. 

Little did he know that peace has always been inside him; the sessions just served as a tool to let the inherent good in him manifest. Adzam’s transformation, together with the other children who have undergone TPBPM’s Peace Education Program, is a testament to how Peace Education has contributed to these children’s cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal skills which in turn, resulted to positive behavioral transformation.

Adzam’s testimony of how transformative peaceful actions can be is truly inspiring. Take it from a child who continuously strives to lead by example. 

“I learned to play, draw, and color.” As small as these may be, Adzam went on to learn beyond his years. Next time we think of grand ways to teach our kids peace, we might want to consider starting small. After all, one small step leads to another.


The Peace Heroes Formation (PHF) Program provides a holistic approach to Peace Education by incorporating Conflict Prevention, Conflict Transformation, and Proactive Citizenship Peace Building. It was designed to apply creative and innovative ways and approaches in teaching about knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and behavior towards a Culture of Peace. It aims to bring about behavior change that prevents the transformation of conflict into violence and war. This program also hopes to show the relevance of Peace Education in our society, and be able to contribute to ways on how to institutionalize educating schools and communities on the art of peaceful living. TPBPM utilizes existing social structures such as family, school, and communities as the primary niche in nurturing the heart of a child to be a Peace Hero.

Get to know more about this program: 


“As educators, we are the key in promoting peace to our learners… we hold the key in transforming them into holistic individuals that will soon be peace advocates in their own community.”  I TEACH PEACE Champion, Raima Cabaro shares during the Formation Session for Teachers.


Davao City, January 30, 2018 – Teachers are deemed as one of the most important influences in a child’s life but rarely recognize their role in peace building. Teacher Raima Cabaro shares that she has realised that educators are the key in promoting peace. As individuals who are part of shaping the lives of their learners, they too have an important role to play in shaping learners to be proactive peace builders in their communities.

As Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) pursues the second year of their flagship model program, Schools and Communities of Peace Heroes Formation Program, six selected schools from Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, and Lanao del Norte were gathered for the Formation Session for teachers with the theme Teacher Leaders for Peace: Beginning a Journey of Creating a Community of I TEACH PEACE Champions. The schools selected were Pidsandawan Elementary School, Sapakan Central Elementary School, Balo-i Central Elementary School, Saguiaran Central Elementary School, Sugod Central Elementary School, and Camp Bagong Amai Pakpak Elementary School. Each school has been selected with the help of several partner institutions.

Each community and school has a different story and hold different experiences. The Formation Sessions are designed for the context of each community; it covered several topics that helped the participants cultivate inner peace and equip them will skills of conflict resolution, conflict transformation, proactive citizenship peace building, and resiliency. It has also covered topics that will help teachers on peaceful classroom management.

One of the esteemed speakers mentioned that they are not only peace educators but peaceful educators as well. I TEACH PEACE Champion, Mona Domato from one of the selected schools from Marawi City has shared that in being a Peace Champion,

“It is when we desire not only our own inner peace and happiness but as well as of others; it is when we dream and hope of an environment full of love, respect, and unity.” 

This has proved that being in a conflict-affected area does not mean they have succumbed to the negative realities that armed conflict brings but rather they are bearers of positivity and hope for their community to make peace a reality, especially for children who are affected by different forms of conflict.

The participants have also gone through sessions on introspection and reflection. In these sessions, the participants were able to strengthen their relationship with their co-teachers as they learn deeper about each other. Their strengthened relationship has not only made them closer but also made them understand each other’s stories better and they have gained a better perception of their challenges as individuals and as a school and how they can transform these challenges into opportunities for transformation.

The Formation Session did not only aim to impart knowledge but more importantly build a community upholding the values of a family relationship; sharing to the participants that beyond making their schools conducive for learning, it is also necessary to make it a peaceable learning school and environment for learners; and a place where the school community can be proactive peace builders and pursue growth as one community.

Teachers have a great role to play beyond imparting academic learning, it is also to foster peaceful relationships among the members of the school community to build progressive and peaceful communities.

The journey does not stop after the Formation Session but rather it is just the beginning, together with the Kapatiran Schools. As each school and each teacher developed a Peace Education Development Plan, this will strengthen each schools’ commitment towards making Every Filipino Child and Youth a Peace Builder. One Child, One School, and One Community at a time.



PEACE MISSION UPDATE: A day of fun, a day of giving peace a chance to the children of Marawi

“…in an area where conflict is usually knocking at the back of the door; where bullets and missiles are real and not just seen on TV…”  then, the only way to have peace is to teach peace.


 Marawi, February 2-3, 2018.  Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) Kapatiran Schools, Balo-i Central Elementary School and Saguiaran Central Elementary School in Lanao del Sur; and Sugod Central Elementary School and Camp Bagong Amai Pakpak Elementary School in Marawi City had a Peace Fun Day wherein almost 1,500 learners ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 6 received peace gifts; experienced and were taught about peace in a fun-exciting way.

The resounding voices of the learners as they give rhythm to Kapayapaan ‘peace’ served as the organization’s inspiration of shedding peace, love and positivity through a Peace Fun Day, a two to three-hour peace education session that gives emphasis on peace as a way of life, in an area where conflict is usually knocking at the back of the door; where bullets and missiles are real.

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Nothing could replace the happiness our learners felt in the care of these peace champions. Alhamdulillah, they have got more than Psychological First Aid Sessions”, words of Teacher Mona Miscille Domato, an I TECAH PEACE Champion from Sugod Central Elementary School. Beyond the material things, we want to give hope to the children that peace is possible and attainable. More than making our dearest Brothers and Sisters happy, we want to teach and inculcate them that as young as they are they can contribute to peace building and key to sustainable peace is in their own hands.


 Its all about peace

 As an organization that spearheads the Peace Education programs for children both in conflict and non-conflict zones, Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) Inc. uses innovative and creative strategies such as Music and Movement, Arts, Games, Sports and Service. Giving premium to the peace-values based activities using the I TEACH PEACE Learning Resources crafted by fellow Peace Heroes is Teach Peace Build Peace Movement’s exemplars when conducting peace activities, and nonetheless epitomized during the Peace Fun Day.

Art was surely used to distinctly used for peace. To process the thoughts and ideas of the learner, a SketchPad Project was launched in Sugod Central Elementary School Camp Bagong Pakpak Elementary School. The SketchPad Project serves as a learners’ visual diary wherein it will be given to them and collected after 6 months. Further, as part of the TPBPM’s peace visibility, a peace mural in the Kapatiran Schools were also created.

As a means to end the said activity in every schools, hope kits, stuffed toys, hygiene kits and malongs were given to the learners. These are from individuals, institutions and other sectors of the society, who believed and trusted in the advocacy of the organization, and thus wants to share some act of kindness to our children, brothers and sisters in Marawi.

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Despite the challenging realities that are happening in our society, Teach Peace Build Peace Movement family is determined to reach and to teach peace to more children, and live it as a way of life. Then, there is no right time than today to teach peace – to ‘teach peace to build a culture of peace in order to create a different generations of peace builders towards our goal of a just and peaceful society.’  Insha Allah.


Teach Peace Build Peace Movement is an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit organization that aims to make every Filipino Child and Youth a peace builder. The organization spearheads a strategic initiative running Peace Education programs for children in conflict and non-conflict zones using a holistic approach. The said schools are all part of the TPBPM’s Schools and Communities of Peace Heroes Formation (SCPHF) Program, which is a holistic peace education program that was designed to apply creative and innovative ways and approaches in teaching about knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and behavior towards a Culture of Peace. It aims to bring about behavioral change that prevents the transformation of conflict into violence and war.


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