Tell us something about yourself
I am Ate Jai and I have devoted my life to teaching across all learner levels informal settings and informal ones. I am currently the Senior Technical Education and Skills Development Specialist of MBTE-TESD Lanao del Sur Provincial Office. I was the Division Peace Education Coordinator of DepEd MBHTE Lanao del Sur I. Despite her work, I love to engage myself in volunteer work and civic engagements. I use my voice to influence positive change in more communities and I believe that women play an important role in supporting a peaceful, sustainable, and progressive society. I hope for people to be more open and understanding of different perspectives.
Tell us about your role in TPBPM
I joined TPBPM last 2017. From then on, I work as a volunteer peace formator and facilitator in the different peace missions in the Province of Lanao del Sur and in the then ARMM. I also led some of the peace missions in the province as I was tasked as to be the Peace Convenor. I usually handle the peace sessions for parents. I also help in the drafting and writing of our materials as part of our peace education modules.
What are the highlights of your experience with TPBPM?
I usually handle the peace sessions for parents. I get to know more about the sacrifices and struggles of parents for their children. Every moment I am with them is memorable for me. It is guaranteed that I learn from them in any session. One moment that always resonates in my memory is that father I met way back in 2018. In our session on Love Languages, he asked my assistance to help him write a message for his children. His eagerness to let his children know how much he loves him is really inspiring. He said “Phanamanamaran akn a kapakapageskwela nyo an ako nyo di khalagid a karurugunan.” It means “I will do my best to send you to school so that you do not experience the same suffering I am facing.”
What have you learned from TPBPM that you have applied in your life?
TPBPM helped me become a person for others. It made me appreciate life with the peace missions we had and we do. Thus, I need to be more and be better. And for peace to be attained, we should always start in ourselves. We cannot give what we do not have. TPBPM taught me self-love. I can only be at peace with others if I am happy and do not hold a grudge against anyone.
What’s your advice for young women who wants to advocate for peace?
Women from all walks of life should realize that we have a role to play in society. We are the central caretakers of families. Women should have representation in any aspect of life. We need not forget that everyone is affected when women are excluded from peacebuilding. Women are also advocates for peace. We are peacekeepers. We are one of the keys to achieving sustainable peace and development solutions. We are more because we are women.
Peace is love. Peace is not merely the absence of every type of structural violence. It is security for all and is premised on the universal integration of a gender perspectives. Peace promotes social inclusion as there should be equal participation at all levels and in all peace building processes.