“…in an area where conflict is usually knocking at the back of the door; where bullets and missiles are real and not just seen on TV…” then, the only way to have peace is to teach peace.
Marawi, February 2-3, 2018. Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) Kapatiran Schools, Balo-i Central Elementary School and Saguiaran Central Elementary School in Lanao del Sur; and Sugod Central Elementary School and Camp Bagong Amai Pakpak Elementary School in Marawi City had a Peace Fun Day wherein almost 1,500 learners ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 6 received peace gifts; experienced and were taught about peace in a fun-exciting way.
The resounding voices of the learners as they give rhythm to Kapayapaan ‘peace’ served as the organization’s inspiration of shedding peace, love and positivity through a Peace Fun Day, a two to three-hour peace education session that gives emphasis on peace as a way of life, in an area where conflict is usually knocking at the back of the door; where bullets and missiles are real.

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“Nothing could replace the happiness our learners felt in the care of these peace champions. Alhamdulillah, they have got more than Psychological First Aid Sessions”, words of Teacher Mona Miscille Domato, an I TECAH PEACE Champion from Sugod Central Elementary School. Beyond the material things, we want to give hope to the children that peace is possible and attainable. More than making our dearest Brothers and Sisters happy, we want to teach and inculcate them that as young as they are they can contribute to peace building and key to sustainable peace is in their own hands.
Its all about peace
As an organization that spearheads the Peace Education programs for children both in conflict and non-conflict zones, Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) Inc. uses innovative and creative strategies such as Music and Movement, Arts, Games, Sports and Service. Giving premium to the peace-values based activities using the I TEACH PEACE Learning Resources crafted by fellow Peace Heroes is Teach Peace Build Peace Movement’s exemplars when conducting peace activities, and nonetheless epitomized during the Peace Fun Day.
Art was surely used to distinctly used for peace. To process the thoughts and ideas of the learner, a SketchPad Project was launched in Sugod Central Elementary School Camp Bagong Pakpak Elementary School. The SketchPad Project serves as a learners’ visual diary wherein it will be given to them and collected after 6 months. Further, as part of the TPBPM’s peace visibility, a peace mural in the Kapatiran Schools were also created.
As a means to end the said activity in every schools, hope kits, stuffed toys, hygiene kits and malongs were given to the learners. These are from individuals, institutions and other sectors of the society, who believed and trusted in the advocacy of the organization, and thus wants to share some act of kindness to our children, brothers and sisters in Marawi.

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Despite the challenging realities that are happening in our society, Teach Peace Build Peace Movement family is determined to reach and to teach peace to more children, and live it as a way of life. Then, there is no right time than today to teach peace – to ‘teach peace to build a culture of peace in order to create a different generations of peace builders towards our goal of a just and peaceful society.’ Insha Allah.
Teach Peace Build Peace Movement is an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit organization that aims to make every Filipino Child and Youth a peace builder. The organization spearheads a strategic initiative running Peace Education programs for children in conflict and non-conflict zones using a holistic approach. The said schools are all part of the TPBPM’s Schools and Communities of Peace Heroes Formation (SCPHF) Program, which is a holistic peace education program that was designed to apply creative and innovative ways and approaches in teaching about knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and behavior towards a Culture of Peace. It aims to bring about behavioral change that prevents the transformation of conflict into violence and war.