Teaching Gentle and Inner Peace: The Story of Baimonah Mamacol

Baimonah “Ma’am Bai” Mamacol is a grade 6 teacher at Buayaan Elementary School in Ditsaan, Ramain Lanao del Sur. She has ten years of teaching experience and is a mother of four. She enjoys going to training seminars for her professional growth. Her family is native to the town of Ditsaan-Ramain, one of the communities closest to Marawi. She remembered vividly the terror they had to live through in Marawi as the fighting persisted.

Ma’am Bai is a participant in the Peace Education Leadership Formation Course for Educators, which trained teachers on how to integrate peace education in schools as well as how to live peacefully and incorporate peaceful practices into their daily lives.

During the Marawi Siege, she and her family decided to stay to protect their properties until the siege was over. Until now, she finds it unbelievable how the sounds of bombs going off and gunfire started to become a part of their daily lives at that time. They must take longer trips each week around Lanao Lake to Iligan, which is five times longer, to buy and maintain their daily needs. They have been able to survive without electricity for the past four months because Marawi’s primary source had to be shut down for security reasons. Because of the stress, worry, and hassle of daily life, she came to understand the value of instilling peace in her students.

She learned a lot during the siege about being a Muslim, a daughter, and a parent. She is aware that she can help her students, but she is unsure of how to get started. She remembers how, when schools in Lanao opened a month after the siege, the importance of peace education became essential. Since students decided to attend classes during that time of ongoing fighting in Marawi, it put her profession as a teacher to the test. She can only hope that there are ways to teach peace or even a proper way to process her student’s feelings and have inner peace from the ongoing conflict.

Years after, Ma’am Bai met Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM); she heard that an organization would train not only students but the teacher and parents, too, in an inclusive and holistic approach to peace education. They believe that every part of our society and our community has a role to play. She was enthusiastic when she heard about the learning opportunities for peace education. She is aware that teachers, like the students, would appreciate these lessons being imparted to their lives, as they were also victims of the Marawi siege.

Throughout the course, she came to understand that there are internal paths to achieving peace in addition to an external battle for harmony. She learned how being gentle with her students would impact her outlook on life. She felt most at ease when she became gentle. She concludes that being gentle involves treating not just others but also ourselves.

“It surprised me how I changed from being a nag when they are naughty or misbehaving to becoming gentler and implementing peaceful classroom management. It also made me feel good.”

She enjoys learning about different love languages and how to use them with different people in her life. First, her family. As a mother of four, she is now more aware of the needs of each of her children because they all express their love in different ways. Then she goes to work, where the faculty members may have different views and guiding principles, but after the lesson, something has changed in the way they approach misunderstanding and differences.

“Like any other workplace, we teachers encounter misunderstandings also. But after the program, we learned tolerance and gained more understanding that we have different stories and struggles. I learned that there were conflicts that we needed to peacefully resolve, especially if it would affect other people in the school, and we do not want students to see us fighting over little things.”

She enjoys learning about different love languages and how to use them with different people in her life. First, her family. As a mother of four, she is now more aware of the needs of each of her children because they all express their love in different ways. Then she goes to work, where the faculty members may have different views and guiding principles, but after the lesson, something has changed in the way they approach misunderstanding and differences.

“Like any other workplace, we teachers encounter misunderstandings also. But after the program, we learned tolerance and gained more understanding that we have different stories and struggles. I learned that there were conflicts that we needed to peacefully resolve, especially if it would affect other people in the school, and we do not want students to see us fighting over little things.”

Nurturing Inner Peace For A More Peaceful Future: The Story of Isah Comacasar

Addressing the trauma from her firsthand experiences of violence and conflict, Isah Comacasar drew new strength to find better approaches to building a culture of peace within their school and community.

Facing trauma from conflict

It was during the first day of Ramadan when Isah went to Marawi. Recalling the memory like it happened yesterday, she remembered the first day of the city’s siege. She was riding a tricycle when an unknown armed person halted them and asked for an identification card from the driver. When the driver could not provide one, he was shot on the spot in front of Isah. The experience brought her trauma as she could not do anything for one month.

Weeks passed, and the continuous firefight was normalized in their daily life. Yet, the trauma brought by her encounter increased her anxiety and fear. There were moments she ran straight out of her house and forgot to get her child. Because of the lack of transportation, she also had to feed her child different milk brands.

After the siege, Isah returned to her work as a teacher and noticed her behavior toward her students. She was more easily agitated and annoyed. A messy environment or unruly behavior can quickly trigger her. Her annoyance affected the school environment, including her interactions with her colleagues.

Studies show that witnessing or experiencing conflict can be a precursor to psychological or social issues. These concerns become opportunities for violent extremist groups to provoke individuals to commit violent acts or make them subjected to submission and fear. It can also become an entry point to make the individual more sensitive to intrusive thoughts or violent behavior.

Finding The Need for Inner Peace

With an opportunity to be part of the Peace Education Leadership Formation Course of the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement, Isah started her peace journey by facing and healing the trauma caused by her experience. Her participation in one of the inner peace sessions made her process and reflected on the encounter she witnessed. She also started to take care of her inner peace and be more mindful of her surroundings.

By being more aware of her actions, Isah tried her best to understand her students and refrained from letting her emotions take hold of her actions. She used deep breathing techniques to calm herself before going to work or finding ways to relax on her way home. Isah also took a moment during the Culture of Peace Circle to apologize to her colleagues for any misbehavior that she unintentionally did.

Drawing from her experiences and observation, Isah expressed the need for peace education to provide practical ways to protect one’s inner peace and share that peace with others. As a teacher, she understood the need to impart the values of respect, empathy, and kindness so that students themselves can be peace advocates.

“The school can be a core institution in building a culture of peace in communities by having practical knowledge ledge to spread peace.”

Protecting Your Inner Peace to Share Peace : The Story of Jamellah Alih

To be able to impart peace, Jamellah Alih found that one should be able to foster peace within themselves first.

When Doubt Disturbs One’s Peace of Mind

For Jamellah, fulfilling the role of teaching continues after the usual lessons within classrooms. They pass on to their students the values of compassion and gratefulness. These acts of kindness motivated their students to create thank-you cards that the teacher uploaded to their social media accounts.

However, recalling an instance when a parent went to the school to attack them, Jamellah found themselves doubting their capability as a teacher. Without warning, the parent went straight to the student who was said to be bullying their child. The teacher tried to intervene and mediate between the parent and the child, only for them to become the center of the blame. The enraged parent made Jamellah feel insecure about their responsibility and that they should be held accountable for the accusations.

After this experience, Jamellah always felt that a parent or a child would suddenly come and attack them. They placed themselves in an uncomfortable position of self-doubt and extreme criticism of their actions. The stress brought by the encounter also brought them fatigue and loss of appetite.

The culture of hate and violence can manifest in various forms, including self-hatred brought by doubt and insecurity. Studies show that among the drivers of violent extremism are the individual motivations and processes which become ‘pull factors’ for them to be vulnerable to violent behavior. Jamellah’s experience of contempt for oneself can bring them to mirror that hate toward others.

Rediscovering The Passion

When they joined the Peace Education Leadership Formation Course of the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement, she became aware of protecting one’s inner peace through meditation, mindfulness, and cyber peace. They started to focus on protecting their inner peace and found ways to cultivate a peaceful environment for themselves.

At one time, Jamellah was scrolling through social media when they found an album filled with thank-you cards from their past students. These posts reminded them why they took a teaching profession – for the children. To keep this drive, they found protecting their inner peace an essential part of sustainability.

Soon, they became more aware of their thoughts and actions in face-to-face interactions and online conversations. The content they posted and shared was sensitive to other people’s feelings. They also ensured that these posts were not misleading or instigating negative discussions.

Learning that conflict will always be a part of life, Jamellah now faced these struggles with deep breaths and an open mind. They know that how they think, see, feel, and hear will always reflect the peace values they want to impart to their students.

Since the teacher is at the core of every classroom, it is important that a teacher also protects and nurtures their inner peace.

Making The School A Peaceful Space: The Story of Norhaima Aragassi

How personal conflicts seep into a community

As a teacher-in-charge of the school, Norhaima understood her responsibility to cultivate a peaceful environment where children are nurtured and encouraged. She was happily fulfilling the duties of this position until she was replaced by her cousin to become the school principal.

Because of this substitution, she developed ill feelings against her cousin and was displeased with the decision. These personal issues that hounded the school leadership soon affected the school environment. Citing instances where she took a more proactive approach to school decisions, Norhaima mentioned that there were times when the teachers were forced to side on which person to follow. The pressure that the teachers felt almost made them cry and further divided the school.

Growing up with violence around her, Norhaima developed a normalized thought that conflict is a natural order of the environment.

By having this perception, she did not mind the issues and division that were brought about by her strife with her cousin. Despite being prone to misinterpretation, she continued her antagonism toward the leadership of her cousin.

Given that they are still building their sense of social and communal relationships with others, various studies show that exposure to conflict and violent extremism adversely affects the children that they will bring into adulthood. Enduring from firsthand experiences, these children learned to address any type of conflict in a violent manner. Thus, perpetuating the cycle of hate and violence and influencing others to replicate the approach.

Mending broken bridges for peace

Upon joining the Training of Trainers of the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement, Norhaima saw the effects of the struggle with her cousin on the peaceful environment of the school. She started noticing that there are teachers who would rather stay silent on the issue or who avoided possible confrontations.

During the Culture of Peace Circle activity, Norhaima started to bring down the walls that she raised due to the conflict and sought forgiveness for her actions. The activity made her reach out to her cousin and talk to each other which resulted in a thoughtful discussion. Both of them apologized and decided to be better colleagues to each other.

Unlike before, Norhaima observed that the improvement of her relationship with her cousin also enhanced her relationship with her colleagues. The healing that both cousins cultivated soon nurtured a culture of peace within the school administration. People became more friendly with each other and more open with their feedback.

Teachers tend to have a more influential role among children because they spend more time at school than at home. Her participation at TPBPM made Norhaima understand the crucial importance of teachers being role models to their students. Recalling her experience, she knew that her absence of inner peace due to conflict with her cousin trickled into her colleagues and the whole school environment.

A teacher has a role and responsibility to ensure that they reflect peace to their students so that they will bring it home to their own families.

A new peace journey begins..

In March 2021, the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) through the Peace Heroes Formation Programme conducted interviews with teachers from different schools to gain a better understanding of the schools and communities’ peace and conflict situation in Lanao del Sur. Before the onset of the Programme, TPBPM wants to impart the stories of our Peace Educators as we begin this journey of Peace Education. 

Though outside of Marawi City, Ditsaan-Ramain was one of the 20 municipalities affected by the Marawi Siege in 2017. Residents of different barangays (communities) heard the loud explosions that shocked their homes. Azcayah Sacar, 37, the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Principal of Barimbingan Central Elementary School (CES), recalls, “During the Marawi Siege, we experienced violence. Education stopped. We were not able to protect education, even our homes. We did not know where to go. There was no stability. Everything was affected, our mental, emotional, and physical health.” Conflict and violence affected Azcayah, her family, community, and her students at Barimbingan CES.

When there is no peace, different individuals experience the devastating effects of war. Alaina Ampuan, 35, a teacher from Barimbingan CES, described what they went through. She shared, “During the siege, we evacuated. When bombs were crashing to the ground near us, we felt it. We couldn’t bring anything. The explosion was only five minutes away from the school.” The conflict greatly sowed fear among the school and community members. It affected the focus of students and teachers, especially the service they render for the school community. 

Alyannah Mamailao Macmod, 35, Division Office Staff at Buayaan Elementary School, added “When there is gunfire, our children cannot go to school, even the economy and lives of people in the community are affected.  People feel fear, they do not have peace of mind when there is violence.”

In the current modular learning setup, they faced inner conflicts and challenges relating to the increased workloads and stress, and difficulties in contextualizing the modules, printing, releasing and distributing it to parents and students, as well as evaluating students’ performances in the new normal. 

In TPBPM’s consultation with teachers in conflict-affected schools in Ditsaan-Ramain, all of them conveyed that there is a lack of training on Peace Education for teachers. They also have not participated in training on cultivating inner peace, conflict transformation, and relationship-building which are essential in coping up with today’s challenges in teaching in the new normal, and in building the resilience of communities highly vulnerable to conflict and violence. Peace Education proved to be even more relevant when interviewed teachers recalled their experiences of teaching during a pandemic. The presentation of the programme and consultation led them to the realization that there is strong hope in the possibility of cultivating change in schools and communities through Peace.

“Peace Education is important because we can achieve what we want with peace; we are in the right direction. We can also aim for quality education because we also have peace in our pupils, teachers, and community,” Monaimah Salic, 35, Principal of Rantian Elementary School shared during the consultation.

For the teachers in Lanao del Sur, Peace Education is important for children to have quality education,  nurturing relationships and the resiliency to achieve their goals. A common sentiment they shared is that when there is no peace, teachers experience inner conflict, including the parents and their children. They deeply emphasized that we can only have good quality education for children if we have peace within ourselves and towards others.

Through these consultations and conversations, it has cultivated a sense of hope for schools and communities amidst trying times. While the PHFP with partner schools in Ditsaan-Ramain, Lanao del Sur is at its onset, the teachers and school leadership have already captured the need to teach Peace to schools and communities and the relevance of living Peace as a Way of Life. 

Peace Starts From Within

Inculcating a culture of peace is more than just providing a community with basic necessities or educating teachers and children of its importance. It requires going back to the core of every individual: if a person is not at peace with himself or herself, he or she can never be at peace with everything around him/her.

This is  Acmidah A. Bocua’s realization after undergoing through the TEACHER LEADERS FOR PEACE: PEACE EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT JOURNEY (PEDJ) created by the Teach Peace Build Peace Movement (TPBPM) for the purpose of nurturing a Culture of Peace and Resilience in children. This was co-organized with Save the Children in partnership with Plan International  and other members of the consortium as part of Pathways for Integrated and Inclusive Conflict-Sensitive Protection and Education for Children in Mindanao (iCOPE) Program. 

A teacher at Sultan Alauya Alonto Central Elementary School, Acmidah is one of the 36 teachers who was given the opportunity to participate in the program, which aims to turn teachers into agents of peace to be able to build a citizenry of peace heroes in schools. 

Acmidah admitted that she wasn’t a perfect teacher. Before the program, she had a tendency to act in ways that would sometimes scare students. Now, she realized the impact of a teacher in a child’s life. “I hope I was more patient with them,” she said.

But it’s never too late.

While Acmidah’s community in Lanao Del Sur does not have a serious threat to peace and security, Acmidah still pointed out cases of discrimination in their school where some children are judged because of their gender or physical attributes. However, after learning from the program, Acmidah is determined to integrate what she learned in any way possible.

“When I came back from the seminar, I shared everything I learned with my children and students. I started integrating the concept of peace in subjects like Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao.”

Acmidah is also grateful for the opportunity to bring several peace hero children with her to the training. These kids were also taught about the importance of peace and how to incorporate peace in their everyday lives.

According to her, the students had become more aware of their actions towards others and have learned to respect other children. “They now try to teach other kids to stop bullying others,” she observed.

For a person who doesn’t like to share her problems with friends and family, Acmidah now knows the importance of starting from within, “The Formation Session taught me a lot especially when it comes to reflecting. I was able to share and express my feelings and it helped me a lot in terms of realizing what peace really is all about.”

When asked what her most important learning is from the program, Acmidah responded with a genuine smile on her face, “If you don’t have inner peace, how can you encourage your students to have inner peace? It really starts from within, especially for teachers who are supposed to be agents of peace.”

“If you don’t have inner peace, how can you encourage your students to have inner peace? It really starts from within, especially for teachers who are supposed to be agents of peace.”


Save the Children, in partnership with Plan International, is implementing a program called Pathways for Integrated and Inclusive Conflict-Sensitive Protection and Education for Children in Mindanao (iCOPE). This program aims to achieve a sustainable positive engagement, collaboration, and convergence of key actors and stakeholders in providing and supporting conflict-sensitive quality basic education services and protection.

As part of ICOPE Program, Teach Peace Build Peace Movement’s (TPBPM) Peace Heroes Formation Program (PHFP), formerly called Schools and Communities of Peace Heroes Formation Program will be introduced for the purpose of helping schools institutionalize Peace Education to nurture a Culture of Peace and Resiliency amongst children with the whole school community being involved.  

RAISA MAE MALANG: Humanizing Peace Concepts

 “I now have a clear vision of what it [peace] is, of how I can apply it not just in my classroom but also in myself…”

Before becoming an I TEACH PEACE Champion, I already had an idea of what peace is about but it is only after attending the Teacher Leaders for Peace Formation Session in Davao that I had  a clearer vision of what it is, of how I can apply it not just in my classroom but also, in myself,” shared by Raisa Mae.

As a Peace Educator, it is very important to walk the talk.  You do not just impose something to your learners. You are also responsible for your own words and actions. This served as a challenge for our I TEACH PEACE Champion Raisa Mae. She often asks herself, “How can I make peace my way of life?”

Raisa Mae can still recall when she used to shout at her students whenever she gets mad. Somehow the way she reacts over certain situations has changed. “If I’m mad, I just sit on the table and when my learners see me do it, they are already aware that I am mad. Then, they keep quiet.” Raisa Mae shared that she is also using Peace Talk, one of TPBPM’s Peace Jargons, which aims to get the attention of learners as it highlights the value of listening. “I made a peace talk but instead of using a ball, I drew a peace sign in an illustration board.”

In her journey as a Peace Educator, Raisa Mae realized how important words are, as it can make or break a person. She added, Before you say anything, you need to think about it first especially if you are dealing with children.”

As we continue to integrate peace education in our school-community, one must always remember that peace is a way of life and not just simply the absence of war. More than having a knowledge of what peace is all about, it is also equally important that we live accordingly to what we teach.

“I now have a clear vision of what it [peace] is, of how I can apply it not just in my classroom but also in myself…”.png

Teacher Raihani: A Teacher for Peace

It is very important that we capacitate our teachers in integrating peace into their lesson plans. Our children need a peaceful environment in schools and we must act even in our own little ways to make it happen. Teachers are the bridges of peace in their own communities, in our country, and in the world and it is very vital that we support and encourage them in teaching peace in their own classrooms.

Watch the story of Teacher Raihani Salido of Tatak Elementary School ( Mamasapano) on her peace journey with the Teacher Leaders for Peace Formation Program last December.



Help us create a nation of peace builders:



Contact the TPBPM Secretariat at +639158480230 or email secretariat@teachpeacebuildpeace.com for more ways on how you can help.

Video: Rhadem Camlian Morados



Considering that the school is the second home for children, the teachers play a critical role in a child’s life. People call teachers the children’s second parents because of the influence teachers have in children. It also signifies the gravity of their role in shaping how a child perceives life and approaches learning. Teach Peace Build Peace Movement recognizes the critical role of teachers in building a Culture of Peace in schools and communities. Part of the holistic approach to Peace Education is equipping teachers to be part of spreading the message of peace by becoming I TEACH PEACE Champions. In the one-year journey of the Schools and Communities of Peace Heroes Formation Program, the teachers have grown personally as well as improved their teaching strategies.

Mr. Datu-Ar Dimalen, a grade school teacher from Tatak Elementary School in Mamasapano, Maguindanao, shares about his transformation saying:

 “I can say that I was a terror teacher, I was friendly outside the classroom but inside the classroom, I hear my students saying that I am a terror teacher, the classroom should always be silent.”



Sir Datu-Ar during the Peace Education Pocket Session held last January 27, 2017, in Cotabato City. The teacher has a series of Pocket Sessions after the Main Pocket Session last December 2016.


From that kind of attitude, after being part of Teach Peace Build Peace Movement, Datu-Ar shares that “Because of Teach Peace Build Peace Movement, I experienced change in myself when it comes to motivating children. Before I am a terror teacher, but now I am more approachable and affectionate towards my students”

Furthermore, through SCPHFP, he had a change in perception of a child’s capability, “I realized that the children should not be labeled – that we should look at the capability of each child, because we all have different capabilities, we learn in different ways. In that way  the child won’t feel forced and won’t feel lazy to go to school.” In line with the changes in perspective and behavior, Datu-Ar also shares the teachers’ eagerness to integrate Peace Education in their subjects. “As much as we can we integrate peace in the subjects that we teach. Actually, in every subject, we try to integrate peace.”

One of the growth he has observed in his school worth celebrating is the growth of the population of Tatak Elementary School. Before Tatak ES only has 200 students but the enrollment increased which he think because of the involvement of the organization in their school.


The Tatak ES community; parents, teachers, children, community leaders and TPBPM family during the Peace Fair held last August 2017.


The Schools and Communities of Peace Heroes Formation Program brought about different kinds of changes and learnings for the teachers, Datu-Ar’s story proves that the impact of Peace Education means affecting people for personal transformation, altering their way of teaching, and also affecting the improvement of the school as a whole. The journey does not end on impact but instead continues to inspire action, Datu-Ar shares his commitment as a peace advocate saying “Commitment in teaching peace and peace being integrated into the lesson plan is a big challenge. It is a challenge to maintain that commitment, our commitment to you as peace advocates.”



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